Zooper Integration into LLx Template for Playstore
Add zooper widgets to Ligthning Launcher Template using Android Studio:
by Gerd Reuter https://google.com/+gerdreuter
You have created your LL Template with this Tool:
Download and place/extract to your WORKSPACE
Read This:
and this http://www.zooper.org/wp/archives/5312 for additional information
Download the ZooperSampleAPK
extract/place it to WORKSPACE (should be there: WORKSPACE/ZooperWidgetSampleSkin-mastersrc)
WORKSPACE = Folder on your Computer. It’s the workspace folder from Android Studio
xyz.0815name.lltemplate.yourtemplatename = the packagename from the LL Templatetool
1. Save each ZooperWidgets you need on your Device as APKs and copy all to your Computer
2. Extracts all the Zips (Widgets) to the WORKSPACE/xyz.0815name.lltemplate.yourtemplatename
(all files and folders should be in the folder WORKSPACE/xyz.0815name.lltemplate.yourtemplatename/assets)
3. copy all from inside the folder WORKSPACE/ZooperWidgetSampleSkin-master/src/
to folder WORKSPACE/xyz.0815name.lltemplate.yourtemplatename/src/
4. copy zooper.xml from the WORKSPACE/ZooperWidgetSampleSkin-mastersrc/res/values/
to folder WORKSPACE/xyz.0815name.lltemplate.yourtemplatename/res/values/
5. Edit the new zooper.xml
<!– These info will be used in the available skins list –>
<string name=”zooper_pack_name”>yourtemplatename</string>
<string name=”zooper_pack_desc”>yourtemplatename and/or short description</string>
<string name=”zooper_pack_author”>Your Name</string>
<!– If set to 0 user will not be allowed to save this template –>
<integer name=”zooper_pack_allowsave”>1</integer>
<!– This is the icon that will be shown in the plugin list, by default the app one is used –>
<drawable name=”zooper_pack_icon”>@drawable/ic_launcher</drawable>
6. Edit AndroidManifest.xml in the folder WORKSPACE/xyz.0815name.lltemplate.yourtemplatename
If you have a commercial Template change <uses-sdk… to:
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion=”15″ android:targetSdkVersion=”15″/>
and insert right after the last “</activity>”:
<action android:name=”org.zooper.zw.TEMPLATES”/>
7. If you have a commercial Template add following right after what you have inserted before:
8. Optional (I don’t think it’s necessary):
copy strings.xml from the WORKSPACE/ZooperWidgetSampleSkin-mastersrc/res/values/
to folder WORKSPACE/xyz.0815name.lltemplate.yourtemplatename/res/values/
edit the file
WORKSPACE/xyz.0815name.lltemplate. yourtemplatename /res/values/strings_template.xml
Cut/delete the Line:
<string name=”app_name yourtemplatename and/or short description </string>
edit the file WORKSPACE/xyz.0815name.lltemplate. yourtemplatename /res/values/strings.xml
and replace the line
<string name=”app_name”>Sample Template Pack</string>
<string name=”app_name”> yourtemplatename and/or short description </string>
Have Fun